
1) Keith was in his room typing his report that need to be handed up the following day. He took a big yawn and takes a sip of milk out of the glass. It was already 12midnight and there was only one line written ‘ I make people feel comfortable always!’

2) The fiery sun hang over the sky and with the heavy bulky skates over my shoulder I headed down to East-coast Park. I met my friends there and was about to faint when I see the congested crowd there. I struggle on to put my skates and life goes on.

3) Jill was going to have a date with Jack to watch a movie at night. She put on a gorgeous outfit and took one last look in the full-length mirror before rushing out of the door. Upon reaching the meeting place, Jack call and say he could not make it.

4) Alex was late for his exam and quickly rush to school. All eyes fall on Alex when he stepped inside the examination hall. He knew it was embarrassed to be late. But when the examiner gives out the exam paper to him, he whispered, “your uniform is worn inside out”.

5) The wind blew towards Lily face, as she looks out of open the window. Her bad relationship with her parents and siblings, the stressful workloads from her school work and she found out her boyfriend has been fooling around form the thoughts of suicide. She closes the window and left.

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